OFM - The Complete Guide
Guessing you're one of two people?
Trying to start an OF agency but have no idea how to start.
Have started one but want better results/are struggling with a specific aspect of the business model.
I have been in both of those situations. They're easily avoidable.
I wrote this guide to help with the specific things i personally struggled with.
Looking back, i would've saved so much time and headache if i knew this stuff.
Whats inside?
- 30+ Page Guide
- The outreach method that has a 100% success rate
- Full legal and professional contract template
- Access to any future updates and documents
This guy signed a model within just 20 messages and closed another one shortly after. He just had his first $5k month.
All it takes is 8 hours 🥂
2 models signed in 4 days.
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